October 27, 2017 This week produced a few stories that left my head shaking… Bill O’Reilly – latest development in his never-ending sexual harassment saga is a report that he paid $32 million to settle a sexual harassment claim. According to the report, the individual’s complaints “included allegations of repeated harassment, a non-consensual sexual relationship and the sending of gay pornography and other sexually explicit material to her.” Specific details are not available, but my question is, if true, what the hell did he …
Month: October 2017
Joe Campolo caught up with Kevin O’Connor, President & CEO of BNB Bank, for a wide-ranging discussion focusing on the Long Island economy and how to keep our region growing. Explaining that BNB’s exponential growth over the past 10 years is no accident, Kevin discussed the bank’s philosophies for success from talent acquisition to lifelong client relationships, and how business leaders can translate their vision and passion for their companies into economic growth. Hear what’s on the horizon for local …
Joe Campolo and Peter Klein, Managing Partner of Klein Wealth Management at HighTower Advisors, discuss the value of a wealth advisor in the current economic climate, capital gains irrespective of market conditions, the psychology of investing, IRAs, and more. …
Good Afternoon, everyone. As mentioned, I proudly serve as the managing partner of CMM, and just as proudly I serve as member of the board of directors of the HIA LI. It was six years ago that I was sitting with my partners in this audience when we found out that we were the recipients of the Rookie of the Year Award, and to this day it remains such a proud moment for us, because it represented a recognition by …