On Turning 50 – Having now lived on this planet for 50 years, and having soaked in as many experiences as I possibly could, I’d like to share some personal reflections: People mean a whole lot more than money. Trust me. They do. Period. Social justice needs to be a priority. Continuing to ignore it will be the death knell of this country. To remain safe and free, it is imperative that we are productive. Less government is better. Always. Everything is temporary. We …
Month: December 2017
Death of Sex – One of the truly unique things about being human is that we have sex for fun. There are possibly only two other species (pigs and dolphins) that share this trait; every other species has sex simply to procreate. Today, however, in an unprecedented era of trial by newspaper, the whole process of flirting, courting, and casual sex doesn’t seem like much fun anymore. I applaud and support the many women who have had the strength to come forward and call …
As Stephen R. Covey’s groundbreaking business book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People approaches its 30th birthday, I still find it to be more relevant than ever, particularly with regard to becoming a more effective negotiator. Rediscover this classic – or get to know it for the first time – when preparing for your next negotiation. Here, my take on the seven habits from a negotiator’s perspective: Be proactive. This habit acknowledges that we are all responsible for our own actions. You need …
In this episode, Joe Campolo caught up with Dr. Yacov Shamash, VP for Economic Development at Stony Brook University, and Mitch Pally, CEO of LIBI and an MTA board member. Yacov and Joe talked about the many ways Long Island has changed in the past 20 years, including the emergence of Long Island’s innovation economy; exciting things happening at LIHTI, the “godfather” of business incubators; and the secret to keeping talent on Long Island. Next, Joe had an animated discussion …
John Kominicki – It is with sadness that I write this unexpected tribute to my friend. To me, John was a role model and mentor, and served as an inspiration for me even starting to pen “Off the Record.” Many times, he and I would lament together about how so many people are talking, but no one is really saying anything. John was a warrior, a necessary mouthpiece for Long Island businesses during many critical times, and his voice will certainly be missed. I offer my …
Sexual Harassment – I like to refer to Harvey Weinstein as the Bernie Madoff of sexual harassment. There is, however, a dramatic difference – with Madoff the shock was that no one, including his wife, knew that he was engaged in illegal behavior and therefore didn’t know enough to stop him; with Weinstein, the shock came because seemingly everyone knew he was engaged in that behavior and yet did nothing to stop him. As a man, I’m ashamed that this problem has gotten …